James bond 007 blood stone pc cheats 64 bit
James bond 007 blood stone pc cheats 64 bit

james bond 007 blood stone pc cheats 64 bit

Sadly, these moments of automotive mayhem are all too brief, though they do a great job breaking up all the third-person shooting. It's pretty clear that Bizarre took some cues from Split/Second, because these volatile setpieces feel ripped straight from that style of design. When you're inevitably forced to chase a bad guy or escape a situation, chaos usually reigns, with buildings and towers falling down around you, oncoming traffic to weave through, and a lot of scripted destruction wreaking havoc on your path. The AI is a little ridiculous when you're sneaking around like a proper spy, but at least you don't run into situations where you're spotted while completely hidden if you get caught, it's your own fault.Ĭoming from the team that made Project Gotham Racing, you would expect the vehicular bits of the game to really stand out, and for the most part, this is where Blood Stone really shines.

james bond 007 blood stone pc cheats 64 bit


During the action scenes, the game is at its best when you're doing something big and momentous, like blowing up a biological weapons facility, but thankfully the developers allow you negotiate most situations either with full action or just with stealth (much like "action" hand-to-hand, playing entirely stealth can also be a lot of fun).

james bond 007 blood stone pc cheats 64 bit

Throughout the game, Bond's mission takes him all across the world, and the varied level environments also keep Blood Stone from getting too predictable.

James bond 007 blood stone pc cheats 64 bit